Success stories

"There's no guilt involved"
“I really enjoyed this KICKSTART programme. I feel better, sleeping better, energy levels are also up, plus I’ve lost weight.. super bonus ! Unlike other programmes where you’ve guilt associated with food and exercise, on this programme there’s no guilt involved … but there’s also no reward with food either, you realise that food is there to fuel the body. It’s common sense.
I found I wanted to make healthy choices for me, because I could see the benefits in day to day life and training. While I’ve finished the 6 weeks, I still follow a healthy eating plan … it works!” – Barbara

"Everyone is on their own journey"
“I have just completed the 6 week kickstart challenge with storm bodyfitness. I haven’t looked back from the first day I had my consultation with Keith. What attracted me to Storm was that it isn’t like other gyms.
Everyone is on their own journey. I didn’t know or have the confidence on how to deadlift, or use weights correctly for that matter.
The semi PT sessions are great as Keith and David are always there to demonstrate and encourage you through the sets and your training plan. I love the conditioning classes as it’s always a good challenge and no class is ever the same, you leave the class feeling great! Theres also a lovely social aspect to Storm which I personally like. Most of all you’ll have a laugh, the lads are great at making the journey enjoyable.” – C.C

"I'm a different person now"
“One year ago I saw a video of Keith from STORM on Facebook and it completely resonated with me. I decided to make contact. That girl one year ago was very happy in many aspects of my life but the only thing she could never succeed with was her weight. I’ve been heavy my whole life. I’ve always been the big one and it is something that has always held me
back in certain areas. When I started my first week in Storm, I was shy, scared and very self conscious. Everyone made me feel so at home and I settled in straight away and started to love it.
Storm is a little community within itself. I have made so many friends who have helped me in so many ways that they don’t even realise. I know they will be friends for life. So one year later, what has changed? I’ve lost over 3 stone. I get up at 6am to train most mornings and train 5-6 times a week, I’ve recently started running as a new hobby and I’ve eaten more fruit and veg than I ever have before!
I never dread a training session. In fact, I’m raging if I have to miss one.
I’ve met some amazing people who I’ve laughed, cried and had serious craic with. My journey has been so worthwhile because of so many amazing people! I can’t thank everyone at Storm enough for the past year. I’m a different person now. I’m now a girl who loves fitness, is happy about how she looks and confident in all of herself and will never be afraid of walking into a gym again” – Danni

"Finding Storm made all the difference"
“Losing weight was the main issue. Losing a little bit was easy but it wouldn’t last and it and more would go back on. I found it so hard structuring a fitness and meal plan that worked for me especially around shift
work. Every time a tried to solve the problem I’d always start to loose a little weight then end up putting it back on and more, I’d have a bad week and let it turn into a bad month, Id always end back to where you started or worse. I was totally under eating and not eating the correct food which would make getting motivated and staying motivated extremely difficult.
Finding Storm made all the difference, they structured an eating and training plan that was simple to follow with lots of food options which made it really easy for me with working nights and different shifts. What to eat and when to eat, what intensity to train at and for how long was made very simple it made it that be easier.
The training is so enjoyable with no pressure or unrealistic goals. Every session is different so I didn’t get bored of exercise. I was a total novice when it came to weights but never felt out of place. The support I
received from the team when I wasn’t in the gym in my opinion made all the difference especially starting out Keith and the team are great and always available on facebook for advice about eating or exercise outside of the gym. After the first couple of weeks, I felt healthier and had more and more energy. From there I continuously lost weight each week and dropped two trouser sizes. Over the last 12weeks I’ve lost more than 2 stone. I’m not done yet but so far I’m feeling healthier, fitter, happier. I’m sleeping so much better. I’m more productive at home and work. The tired bloated feeling is gone.” – Colm